From the Students

Matthew Sanford

"Jo Zukovich is the first and best yoga teacher I will ever have. Our work together over the last sixteen years has transformed me from a struggling, disembodied paraplegic graduate student to a yoga teacher, author, and founder of a non-profit. This would not have happened had I not met Jo, had I not encountered a caring, deeply committed, and profoundly creative yoga teacher. Together we have explored how the principles of Iyengar yoga travel through my paralyzed body. This pioneering work is now the foundation of our efforts to both make yoga more accessible to people living with disabilities and to transform current medical and rehabilitation practices." 

Matthew Sanford
Author of WAKING: A MEMOIR OF TRAUMA AND TRANSCENDENCE, and founder of Mind Body Solutions.

Click to read from the Mind Body Solutions Newsletter

Matthew Joyce, "Gone, but Not Forgotten", June 29, 1983 - April 7, 2008

"My name is Matthew Joyce, a.k.a. Worm.  I have Cystic Fibrosis and received a double lung transplant in November of 2000.  I came to Jo Zukovich, about a year after my operation, asking for help with breathing techniques to help while surfing and other activities.  Jo has taught me several ways to help open airways and stay relaxed.  It's a proven fact that being more relaxed, and more intuitive with your mind and body, the easier it is to breath.  Jo has donated her time to meeting with me on a regular basis to go over the different techniques that she has taught over the years.  I really think she has helped me get through the ups and downs of my breathing, and has definitely improved the quality of my life."

Matthew Joyce
Big Worm's Cystic Fibrosis Life Foundation

"Matthew spent the next seven and a half years traveling the world on surf trips and making everyday of his life count. Eventually he needed a second lung transplant and as soon as he received a call that there was a donor available, he rushed to Los Angeles to undergo the risky operation. On April 7, 2008, Matthew Joyce died due to complications from the surgery."

click name to read testimonial

Dino Andino ...

Margaret Westley ...

Janet Langley ...

Jeff Pastore ...

Ann Clark ...

Vicky O'Riordan ...

Sarah Eberst ...

Lori Magana ...


The Unthinkable Is Possible!
About Matthew Sanford - Jo's former student

LA Yoga Magazine; Graceful, Light and Tuned In
By Yvonne Pesquera March 2007, Vol.6 #2

Para Quad News; Health & Sports
by Margo Marchbank May 2007

Body and Mind
This motivational story about a paralyzed man's journey toward healing may surprise you.
By Matthew Sanford